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Python Tutor

We Are Unique

1 - We integrate technology into the mathematics

In keeping with the Ontario Renewed Math Strategy, a powerful teaching tool of “Messiha Math Group Tutoring” has been the integration and use of technology, more specifically GeoGebra.

We chose GeoGebra as the software to be utilized in the classroom for several reasons.

First of all, GeoGebra is a free, multi-platform, open-source dynamic mathematics software. Thus, because of its open-source nature there are no licensing issues associated with its use, allowing students and teachers freedom to use it both within the classroom and at home.

Secondly, GeoGebra combines dynamic geometry, algebra, calculus, and spreadsheet features into a single easy-to-use package making it suitable for learning and teaching mathematics from elementary through university.

Thirdly, GeoGebra has a large international user and developer community with users from 190 countries. The software is currently translated into 55 languages and attracts close to 300,000 downloads per month.

In classroom we use the available unlimited google virtual space and software (Tablet and Pen + OneNote + SMART Notebook) to add instructional math videos and links to the teacher’s website for personalized student learning. At home, live video of the lesson and instruction notes are available for students and parents to access outside of their classroom for review, consolidation and to support alternate learning styles related to math curriculum and instruction. 

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2 - We integrate Python Coding into the mathematics

At “Messiha Math Group Tutoring” we have a goal to apply math knowledge from the Grade 8 and 9 curriculum to a practical, engaging, motivating, enriching, authentic and forward thinking application by means of Python coding. This enrichment opportunity serves as preparation for secondary before students are exposed to Java in Grade 10.  Coding is a great way for students to develop valuable skills such as logical thinking, creativity and problem solving. The end result will be helping more students achieve excellence in numeracy, which is the goal of the Ontario Renewed Math Strategy.

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3 - We inculcating Higher Order Thinking Questions into the mathematics

Higher-order thinking is thinking on a higher level than memorizing facts or telling something back to someone exactly the way that it was told to you. Higher-order thinking skills are valued because they are believed to better prepare students for the challenges of adult work and daily life and advanced academic work. Higher-order thinking may also help raise standardized test scores. (Pogrow, 2005).

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